5 Things to be Thankful For

Kim Ades
2 min readNov 23, 2021

What are you grateful for this year? All of the things and people you have in your life? There is a lot to be thankful for, but what do you do when things feel not-so-stellar? Here’s how to look for the good in the most unlikely of places:

1) Messes

Maybe you, your kids or your spouse left a mess. There are crumbs on the counter, dishes in the sink and clothes on the floor. This could mean that you’re surrounded by a bunch of messy, self-involved individuals. It could also mean that you have food to eat, dishes to use and clothes to wear. The choice is yours.

2) Conflicts

Conflicts happen — with your colleagues, your friends, your family and even with strangers — and they often feel uncomfortable. Conflicts can also be healthy and a useful tool for moving forward. Assuming positive intent about the person you are in conflict with will help you both come to a common understanding.

3) Pain

Pain, both emotional and physical, is something we all experience in life. We mostly try to avoid pain and get rid of it. However, pain can be seen as an indicator that you are still breathing and have a life to live.

4) Traffic

What did you think when you just saw the word Traffic? Dread? Stress? Anger? How about Opportunity? Being stuck in traffic is like winning the time lottery! Listen to an audiobook or a podcast. Or pull a Becca: every time FOM Coach Becca has driven from her home in Pennsylvania to Toronto for in-person FOM Methods, she has spent the whole ride catching up with friends, family and clients on speakerphone.

5) Taxes

Taxes are a gift that you give to yourself and to others, and giving feels good! Though paying taxes may feel like a loss, it is returned to you in the form of things like paved roads, health services and schools. They also help support those who need it.

Life’s little annoyances can be an excuse to feel lousy or they can be a cue for gratitude. If you appreciate the good that life throws your way and can see the good in bad situations, you have a whole lot to be thankful for.



Kim Ades

Kim is the Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™ & The Journal That Talks Back™, an executive coach & a supermom of 5. https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/