Why I’m Not Too Old for TikTok

Kim Ades
3 min readNov 30, 2020

I’ve always wanted to be rich.

It’s something that I think about daily. It’s how I define the quality of my life.

But do I deserve to be rich? Do I have what it takes? Is it in my DNA?

Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated with people who were rich, and curious about what differentiated them from others. Were they smarter? Did they have better ideas? More guts? More charm? Just lucky?

But wait — what exactly do I mean by rich?

While amassing a financial fortune is an awesome goal, what I am really after is living a rich life. One that is FULL of all the things a rich life entails — great relationships, interesting experiences, manageable challenges, worthy accomplishments, good health, financial freedom, a warm and comfortable home, and a frame of mind that is peaceful, joyful, spirited, and filled with a sense of curiosity, adventure, fun, and gratitude.

In order for me to live a rich life what’s required is for me to take 100% responsibility for my emotional state. The more I am able to handle adversity, change, and unexpected outcomes with ease, the more likely I am to live a rich life. What it boils down to is that the more my emotional state is positive, the richer my life becomes.

What does TikTok have to do with living a rich life? Everything.

The other day my trainer was over. In between sets of squats, stairs, and lifts in the garage with the door open in order to adhere to safe physical distance practices, we struck up a conversation about TikTok.

Kim: Do you watch TikTok?

Jess: I’m too old for TikTok.

Kim: You’re 28 years old — what do you mean you’re too old for TikTok? How can you be too old? I watch TikTok!

Jess: Why do you watch TikTok?

Kim: Because I love TikTok! It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it gives me goosebumps! TikTok is therapeutic.

It’s true, TikTok makes me laugh. But not just a light “ha ha” kind of laugh, TikTok often leaves me howling — laughing so hard that there is no noise coming out of my mouth. I like the videos where people are dancing in their unique way to a catchy tune, or playing pranks on their loved ones, or where they are trying hard to play out the comedy routine they heard from some famous comedian. I am often inspired by things I see on TikTok — people who are dealing with serious adversity and are brave enough to share it in this forum, or a coach sharing words of wisdom. Sometimes I even find myself crying with happiness when I see an emotional duet, or a conversation between TikTokers who are sharing their appreciation for one another. TikTok is entertaining, it’s fun, and it triggers good feelings — ones that enrich my life.

There’s so much hardship going on in the world right now that it’s easy for us to tune into our circumstances and use them as a source of frustration, worry and fear. We can choose to spend time focused on all of the challenges facing us, or we can choose to turn toward that which brings levity and laughter. I am not suggesting that we stick our heads in the sand and ignore the world around us, but I am suggesting that we spend more of our time focused on the good stuff, the stuff that brings us a laugh, some good cheer, and a positive feeling.

TikTok is one of the tools I use to help me stay joyful, playful, and light — and isn’t that what being rich is all about?

What do you lean on in order to lead a rich life?



Kim Ades

Kim is the Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™ & The Journal That Talks Back™, an executive coach & a supermom of 5. https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/